Wednesday 25 February 2015

A long overdue update

It's a long time since my last update but that's because not a lot has happened!

BMW 320D swirl veins

On my BMW the swirl veins are still disabled by removing and plugging the vacuum cable. I'd love to identify whether it is the vacuum switch or actuator that is at fault but I've not yet found the time. Taking the manifold off is a pain. And you're right to guess the car is still running well. Not perfectly but OK.

It smokes a lot under hard acceleration but it passed its MOT so the emissions must be acceptable. I'm sure performance is suffering and the fuel consumption is not as good as it was. One thing I'd like to know is if the swirl veins are free to move, are open or closed with the pipe plugged. The first wouldn't be good and I'm not sure which of the other options is the best. I think closed as some people replace the veins entirely. Must investigate!

Peugeot 206 Power Steering Pressure Sensor

My 206 did fail its MOT on a corroded power steering pipe. The replacement was over a £100! I got the garage to do it but part of the expense was because the pipe contained a pressure sensor. Yet another system controlled connected to the engine management unit!