Wednesday 12 September 2012

Why this blog

For some time I've been aware of just how dependent a modern car is on electronics. But most importantly how little I've been left behind in terms of knowledge and for someone on a tight budget how dependent I am on specialists.

As someone who competed in motor sport in the almost pre electronic, pre fuel injection era this is not a comfortable state of affairs but it's a testimony to the reliability of modern cars that it's only recently that I've felt the need to get better acquainted.

This was first brought home to me when one of my cars broke down and had to be towed to a garage for repair. After a bill for over £100 I realised I should have been capable of diagnosing the fault myself.

However, now both my cars have the engine management light on and I want to know why without having to put blind faith in a garage with almost ineviable large bills!